
E.F.D. Jewelry Ltd. is a BOI privileged Diamond Jewelry Manufacturer for exporting usine 90% Raw Materials of Square Princess Diamond, mainly emphasizing on Invisible Setting, which directly imported from Head Office, one of the biggest Israel Diamond manufacturers under the name E.F.D Diamonds Ltd. At present, we are looking for talented individual to assume the required position as :'E.F.D. Jewelry Ltd. is a BOI privileged Diamond Jewelry Manufacturer for exporting usine 90% Raw Materials of Square Princess Diamond, mainly emphasizing on Invisible Setting, which directly imported from Head Office, one of the biggest Israel Diamond manufacturers under the name E.F.D Diamonds Ltd. At present, we are looking for talented individual to assume the required position as :



บริษัท อี.เอฟ.ดี. จิวเวลรี่ จำกัด 297 หมู่ 10 ถนนซุปเปอร์ไฮเวย์เชียงใหม่ - ลำปาง ตำบลอุโมงค์ อำเภอเมือง ตำบล อำเภอ จังหวัดลำพูน 51150 ประเทศไทย

  • โทร. 0-5356-2794-5, 0-5356-3300


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